
The campus environment of the college is conducive to promote the development & performance improvement of the students. The college has a distinguished record with its students getting ranks at the University level.
From the inception of the college students have bagged ranks to the University. Passing percentage has always been 100%.

S.No Name of the Student Year Percentage Remarks
1 Miss. Shubhangi S. More 2004-05 84.00
2 Mr. Vishwanath P. 2005-06 83.88 10th Rank to K.U.D.
3 Miss. Deepa M. Tarali 2006-07 83.75
4 Miss. Asmita A. Karagave 2007-08 84.30 3rd Rank to K.U.D. & Gold Medal in Ednl. Psychology
5 Mr. Abhinandan S. Magadum 2008-09 80.67
6 Miss. Geeta A. Chougule 2009-10 83.52 10th Rank to K.U.D.
7 Miss. Sanmati M. Akkole 2010-11 85.21 3rd Rank to R.C.U.B.
8 Miss. Dipika D. Patil 2011-12 84.25
9 Miss. Farhatnaz B. Mulla 2012-13 88.88 7th Rank to R.C.U.B.
10 Miss. Deepti D. Patil 2013-14 89.24  10th Rank to to R.C.U.B.